This little book has no literary or scientific pretenses; it is simply intended to mark the affection and devotion that ties me to my land, and in particular to the ancient people who made it famous – those Etruscans, so mysterious and unassuming, and at the same time fascinating, who established their home here for several centuries, offering us sublime visions of inventiveness and genius (Dario Rossi)
4,00 €
Codice EAN
This little book has no literary or scientific pretenses; it is simply intended to mark the affection and devotion that ties me to my land, and in particular to the ancient people who made it famous – those Etruscans, so mysterious and unassuming, and at the same time fascinating, who established their home here for several centuries, offering us sublime visions of inventiveness and genius (Dario Rossi)
4,00 €
Casa Editrice
Codice EAN
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