Ferdinand Schevill

Siena. The history of a medieval commune

€ 25,00

Casa Editrice: Betti Editrice

Anno: 2016

N. Pagine: 336

Formato: 15x21

“More than a century after its initial publication this book remains the best general introduction to Sienese history available in English. The story Schevill shares with us is not just the story of the development of civilized society in me-dieval Siena, though this book is most certainly a history of Sienese civilization; but it is also, in many ways, the story of how the modern world was created and how the Sienese played a critical role in its creation.
Reading this text today, one can almost hear the voices of the medieval Sienese, debating matters of war, deliberating over the construction of its urban monuments, and admiring the civilization that its citizens managed to create in such a short period of time...”.
Bradley R.Franco
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Casa Editrice Betti Editrice
Codice 978 88 7576 470 8

Betti Editrice

La Betti Editrice nasce nel 1992 con un taglio prevalentemente locale con una particolare attenzione alla storia, cultura e turismo a Siena. Negli anni ha allargato il suo raggio d’azione a generi diversi (narrativa, edizioni per bambini,..) con uno sguardo che spazia all’intero territorio Toscano e a tematiche di interesse nazionale. Una produzione differenziata per argomenti e generi... Vai alla scheda editore >

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