Ilaria Moschini

The World as a Global Community?

€ 18,00

Casa Editrice: Edizioni Effigi

Anno: 2022

N. Pagine: 240

Formato: 15x21

A Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Facebook’s Institutional Communication and Technical Documentation.

Can humanity become a single global community? According to Facebook, the answer is affirmative, as we can read in the description of its corporate mission where the world’s most influential social network crafts for itself the role of the digital enabler of human history’s progress towards larger and more complex “social” infrastructures. Starting from this “mission”, the volume investigates Facebook’s public communication and its underlying ideational roots in a wide selection of documents which include the speeches of its founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, together with annual financial reports addressed to investors and technical documents for software developers. With the tools of multimodal discourse analysis, the author critically explores the narrative that the social media platform offers of its business model, its values and its vision for the global community of tomorrow.

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Ho letto l'informativa sulla privacy e acconsento al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi dell'art. 13 D. lgs. 30 giugno 2003, n.196
Casa Editrice Edizioni Effigi
Codice 978-88-5524-331-5

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